What is an Integrator? Why Does Your Business Needs One?

November 09, 20224 min read

What is an Integrator? Why Does Your Business Needs One?

Visionary vs. Integrator

visionary integrator

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak

In an article from Forbes, the integrator is described as the yin to the visionary's yang. Where the visionary is focused on the big picture and long-term goals, the integrator is focused on the details and making sure that everything runs smoothly on a day-to-day basis.

The visionary is usually the face of the company, while the integrator works behind the scenes. However, both roles are essential to the success of a business.

Without a visionary, there would be no direction and no long-term goals to strive for. But without an integrator, the visionary's grand plans would never be executed properly, and the business would quickly fall apart.

Integrator, as defined in the book Rocket Fuel

rocket fuel book gino wickman

The One Essential Combination That Will Get You More of What You Want from Your Business is "a person who takes on the role of an integrator in an entrepreneurial business." The integrator is responsible for ensuring that all the pieces of the business fit together to create a cohesive whole.

Differences between a Visionary and an Integrator?

visionary integrator

Ray Kroc and Fred Turner

There are a few key differences between a visionary and an integrator:

- Focus: Visionaries are focused on the big picture and long-term goals, while integrators are focused on the details and making sure that everything runs smoothly on a day-to-day basis.

- Skillset: Visionaries tend to be more creative and idea-oriented, while integrators are more analytical and process-oriented.

- Personality: Visionaries are often described as charismatic leaders, while integrators are often the quiet ones working behind the scenes.

How do you know if you need an Integrator?

If you're a visionary founder who is struggling to get your business off the ground, it may be time to bring on an integrator. Here are 25

signs that you need an integrator:

You're struggling to scale your business. You've reached a point where you can't do everything yourself and need.

You're starting to feel burned out and overwhelmed by the day-to-day operations of the business. You're finding it hard to maintain a work/life balance. You're working long hours but not seeing the results you want.

You are the bottleneck in your business.

Your business is growing; you have product market fit. You have people eager to buy from you, but you are worried if you can fulfill them properly. You're not sure how to sustain that growth. You're worried that things will start to fall apart if you don't get a handle on things soon.

You have a million ideas but don't know how to prioritize or implement them.

You're great at generating new ideas but not so great at executing them.

You've assembled a team of talented individuals but can't seem to get them to work together effectively.

There's a lot of infighting and bickering but not a lot of progress is being made. You feel like you're constantly putting out fires and don't have time to focus on the bigger picture.

Your business is growing but feels like it's spinning out of control.

You're starting to wonder if you're cut out for this whole entrepreneurship thing. You're not sure where to turn for help and advice.

You're feeling more and more isolated and alone in this journey.

You're struggling to find work/life balance and feeling like you're neglecting your personal life.

If you can relate to any of the above, it may be time to consider bringing on an integrator. An integrator can help you get your business back on track by taking on some of the day-to-day responsibilities, freeing up your time to focus on the big-picture tasks.

What are the major functions of an integrator?

An integrator's main focus is to keep the business running smoothly on a day-to-day basis. This includes tasks such as:

  1. Overseeing day-to-day operations

  2. Organizational Clarity - Quarterly Goals and Annual Goals.

  3. Developing and implementing systems and processes

  4. Managing and coordinating team members

  5. Handling customer service issues

  6. Taking care of administrative tasks

  7. Monitoring financials and preparing reports

  8. The integrator works closely with the leadership team and keeps the leadership team accountable

  9. Helps resolve conflicts in the team

  10. The integrator works closely with the Executes visionary's ideas

  11. The integrator helps in the day to day problem solving

  12. The integrator works closely with the visionary

  13. Helps establish core values of the company

  14. The integrator is a great resource and a steady force

Holding people accountable

What is a fractional integrator?

A fractional integrator is an external consultant who comes into your organization and helps you with the day-to-day operations of the business. The advantage of hiring a fractional integrator is that they can be brought in on an as-needed basis, and you don't have to worry about the added expense of another full-time employee. Talk to us to see if we are a good fit. www.kirtanadevatha.com/discoverycall

Bringing on an integrator can help resolve many of the issues you're experiencing in your business. An integrator can take on some of the day-to-day responsibilities, freeing up your time to focus on long-term goals and strategies. If you're feeling overwhelmed and like you're about to give up, consider bringing on an integrator to help get your business back on track.

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Kirtana Devatha

Hi, I am Kirtana Devatha. Fondly, known as 'The Fixer'. As a former agency owner, I am all too aware of the challenges and opportunities that online entrepreneurs face. Of the inescapable feeling that your business is running you and not the other way around.

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